Cypripedium Ulla Silkens

Cypripediums are good for cool semi-shaded positions. They appreciate about two hours of morning sun. Plants should be protected before direct sun (between 10:00 to 16:00 hours). Difussed lighting is satysfiing. The soil temperature should not be higher than 25 degree of Celsius.
Cypripediums require a moist but free draining soil. The soil should never dry out completely. During the dormancy we should to limit the watering.
Lady’s Slipper compost:
The plants require a soil which is neutral or slightly alkaline. The substrate can be compossed of pumice, seramis, sand, fine gravel, vermiculite, turface. A suitable mix for these species can be: three parts pearlite, one part sand and one part forest floor duff. A normal garden soil (loamy, sandy soil) is usually suitable, when the watering is limited during the dormant period and the soil is covered before rain with some protection. The young Cypripedium seedlings should be planted in mineral soil such as pumice, pearlite with gravel, seramis etc. with no or with a minimum of organic.
Cypripediums can be grown either in a pots or in a garden. Roots should be spread out flat with the tips slightly downward (about 2 - 4 cm deep). The growth bud should be just at the soil surface. It is beneficial to keep the soil above the rhizome dry by mulching with loose material. Mulching is recommended, it will protect the soil before temperature changes and will help to keep soil humidity. This can be done by covering with a layer of bark or leaves in the winter.
The Cypripedium species and hybrids should be protected before direct sun (between 10:00 to 16:00 hours). The soil have to be still damp.